NORTHERN ARIZONA – 4 Corner Film Logistics is spearheading an effort to document and make available in an open-source format archival footage of the confluence of the Colorado River and the Little Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.  This iconic and majestic part of the Grand Canyon is currently under threat of development, so at a bare minimum, our goal is to document this place for future generations.  And yes, I did say threat of development.  While you may be wondering how the heck someone is going to develop something in a National Park, it turns out that the Eastern rim of the Grand Canyon is on the Navajo Nation.  This means that it is NOT inside the boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park, and developers have learned of this detail.  These developers are currently working to court the Navajo into letting them build a tramway from Confluence Point down to the confluence of the rivers.

If you think this sounds like a terrible idea, you’re not alone in thinking that.  There are a number of impacts such a development would have, but the scary part is that development would set a precedent for future developments – In other words, it just the tip of the iceberg.  Many Navajo Elders have realized this, and have made an exception for us to travel to confluence point, one of their most sacred sites, so that we may document it and tell their story.  The Elders realize that non-navajo people are not supposed to be out there, but they also realized that they need our help to prevent the development of the tramway.

For more information on the fight to save the confluence, visit


The green water of the Colorado joins the muddy water of the Little Colorado. The view from confluence point is stunning, and also happens to be a key part of the Hopi emergence story.


This photo is taken at the proposed site of the tramway. When constructed, the tram would be visible from both the North and South rim, and ruin the experience of isolation and remoteness one feels when running down the Colorado.


Harlan on the Movi capturing the details.

Harlan Movi

The Grand Canyon is an amazing place, and capturing that emotion is no easy task.

Many thanks to Rene Yellowhorse for being our tour guide, sharing her clan’s story with us, and allowing us to visit Confluence Point.